Building a Global Team: 7 Tips for Real Estate Offshoring Success

In an increasingly interconnected world, real estate businesses are leveraging offshoring to build global teams and enhance efficiency, and this article outlines seven essential tips for navigating the complexities of this process, from selecting the right offshore outsourcing partner to fostering effective communication across borders.

Now that you are aware of the potential of offshore real estate, you’re ready to take advantage of this opportunity and grow your team.

Offshoring for the real estate industry opens many opportunities for growth and efficiency. Your offshore team may be thousands of miles away, but you still play a big part in managing them correctly. Their productivity, growth and career satisfaction are part of your responsibility.

In this guide, we will discuss efficient methods for creating and managing an offshore real estate team.


Established A Robust Communication System:

Setting up a standard communication system is crucial for effective collaboration across borders. Your in-house and offshore teams should be using the same communication channels.

Utilize tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom for regular meetings, updates, and discussions. Create a protocol on whether they should expect a chat, call, or video conference, depending on the type of work or situation.

Finally, ensure that all team members are familiar with the chosen platform. Encourage open communication to foster transparency and teamwork. Make them feel a part of the team.


Promote inclusion and team cohesion:

Employees working offshore frequently experience a sense of disconnection from the core team. Include them in any company activity and organize virtual team-building activities, such as online games, shared projects, or virtual coffee breaks to cultivate a sense of belonging.

Acknowledge their contributions publicly and involve them in decision-making processes to reinforce their importance within the team.  When they are made to feel important, they will be more willing to contribute to the company.


Regularly assess and respond to team requirements:

Determine a realistic schedule and frequency for check-ins. Maintain regular communication with offshore team members to ask for project status updates, address any challenges they may be facing, and provide necessary support. Actively listen to their feedback and take proactive steps to meet their needs, whether through additional resources, training, or workload adjustments.


Empower and support team leaders:

Your team leads are a bridge between you and the other people on your team. Make sure they are aware of the job roles of each team member.

Empower team leaders within your offshore team to take ownership of projects, facilitate communication, and resolve issues effectively. Offer training and resources to enhance their leadership skills and encourage collaboration between in-house and offshore leadership to ensure alignment with overall business goals.


Mind time zone variations:

You must consider the time zone differences between your in-house and offshore teams when scheduling meetings and deadlines.

Communicate company meetings and plans ahead of time. It’s a good practice to specify time zones when communicating deadlines.

Establish overlapping working hours to facilitate real-time communication and collaboration whenever possible. Finally, consider implementing flexible work arrangements or staggered shifts to accommodate diverse time zones and optimize productivity.


Prioritize onboarding and training for new hires:

Invest in comprehensive training programs for new offshore hires so they understand your processes and best practices. Set up online training sessions and provide access to online courses, workshops, and mentorship opportunities to support their professional development.

Conduct a regular evaluation of their progress and provide constructive feedback to facilitate continuous learning and growth.


Establish clear expectations:

Clearly communicate performance expectations, goals, and objectives to your offshore team members from the outset to minimize mistakes and wasted efforts. This includes setting specific targets, deadlines, and deliverables, as well as defining communication protocols and escalation procedures.

Additionally, transparently communicating any changes or updates to expectations ensures that everyone remains aligned and accountable. Establishing clear expectations builds clarity and accountability among team members. This fosters trust, enhances productivity, and drives success within the offshore team.


Key Takeaways

If you’re new to offshoring, the process might seem overwhelming initially. However, conducting thorough research and selecting the appropriate offshoring partner can mitigate these challenges.

It’s essential to establish a reliable partnership for successful offshoring endeavors. If you’re considering partnering with us, feel free to connect with our team for further assistance and guidance.