How your small business can benefit when you offshore staff (PLUS a pro tip)

While offshoring provides plenty of benefits, there are four aspects where offshoring staff can be utilized.

Throughout the years, offshoring staff has been one of the strategic ways to fill in business gaps like:

  • access to new skills and capabilities
  • business and operating model shifts, and
  • keeping up with technology and regulation

While offshoring provides plenty of benefits, this article delves into four aspects where offshoring staff can be utilized.

  1. Maximize time zone difference to accomplish more tasks

Time zone difference is beneficial for small businesses wanting to extend operating hours to cater to more customers.

On the business operations perspective, your offshore staff can work on backlogs in paper works and other admin tasks when you are away in the office.

If you are meeting project deadlines, you can maximize time zone difference using the relay-style strategy. The concept is handing off the tasks between you and your offshore team – whoever is available – to keep the ball moving around the clock.

PRO TIP: Use project management tools to track the team’s progress to avoid the risk of delayed tasks.

  1. Refine SOPs and re-organize ownership of work

Small business owners are prone to multi-tasking which leads to:

  • Decreased efficiency and productivity
  • Distraction from core business functions
  • Lack of consistency and quality of work

Standardizing process provides clarity on who’s doing what and when. This becomes effective when you have the right people onboard to take responsibility on tasks.

However, adding resources can be costly for small businesses particularly start-ups. This is where offshoring comes in. Strategic offshoring lets businesses save up to 75% on overhead costs.

The best way to utilize offshoring into your SOPs is listing down and separating the responsibilities you must complete internally from those tasks that an offshore staff can work on.

Here is an article that walks you through the best tips in your offshoring journey.

  1. Access to skilled and flexible workforce

Access to top-tier talents gives you a competitive advantage in producing quality outputs and innovation. Finding the right people to offshore becomes easier if an offshoring partner has a seamless approach in attracting quality talents.

Local universities in the Philippines produces around 500,000+ qualified workforce with a literacy rate of 95%. On top of this, most of the BPO companies offer training programs to upskill their staff.

READ: 5 Roles Small Businesses Should Outsource

  1. Focus in growing and scaling your business

Being able to delegate tasks to a competent staff lets you allot more time in:

  • Monitoring loopholes in operations and fixing those issues
  • Identifying opportunities to expand your market share
  • Enhancing processes to speed up the turnaround time
  • Creating a more organized system to handle customer demands

Offshoring roles is not only limited to non-core competencies. In some cases, it is more cost-efficient to offshore core functions for various reasons like scarcity of available talents.

Experience more offshoring benefits with the MVP team

Get in touch with the MVP team today to know more what benefits you can get when you offshore staff.